Content last updated Feb. 8, 2025

Mark Hurty

Mark Hurty
Project Manager | Mark Hurty for Oakland School Board 2020
This candidate has agreed to voluntary spending limits. The maximum contribution this candidate can accept is $900 from any individual, business entity, committee or other organization and $1,700 from a qualified broad-based committee. If the candidate does not accept spending limits then: The maximum contribution this candidate can accept is $200 from any individual, business entity, committee or other organization and $400 from a qualified broad-based committee. A question mark in circle indicating additional information

For more on Oakland contribution limits and campaign rules, see the Public Ethics Commission Candidate Resources page.

Contributions: $19,109
Expenditures: $19,640
Current balance: ($531)
Money coming in


Self Funding
Other (includes Businesses)

See all contributions

Money going out


Civic Donations
Office Expenses
Campaign Consultants
Candidate Filing/Ballot Fees
Campaign Literature and Mailings
Professional Services (Legal, Accounting)
Money coming in


Out of State
Within Oakland
Within California

Independent expenditures supporting candidate $40,445 A question mark in circle indicating additional information

Spending by third parties that advocates the election or defeat of a candidate and is not made in coordination with a candidate or campaign committee is termed an independent expenditure. To learn more, see the FAQ.

Spending breakdown by committee

In support of the candidate
GO PUBLIC SCHOOLS ADVOCATES Community-Powered Candidate Committee
See all contributions to this committee
In opposition of the candidate

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