Content last updated Apr. 25, 2024

Measure HH

Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax


This measure would impose a tax on the distribution of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Products in Oakland. Sugar-Sweetened beverages are defined as any beverage to which one or more Caloric Sweeteners have been added and that contain 25 or more calories per 12 fluid ounces of beverage. The tax would not be imposed on infant or baby formula, beverages for medical use, supplemental, meal replacement, or nutritional beverages, milk products, fruit or vegetable juices with no added sweeteners, or alcoholic beverages. The measure would require that any distributor of sugar-sweetened beverages register with the City and establish a Community Advisory Board. The Board would be responsible for making recommendations to the City Council on setting up or funding programs that prevent or reduce the health consequences of consuming sugar-sweetened beverages.

Contributions by region

Contributions to Support

Contributions to Oppose

Supporting regions
Out of State
Within California
Within Oakland
Opposing regions
Out of State
Within California

Contributions by type

Supporting contributors
Other (includes Businesses)
Opposing contributors
Other (includes Businesses)

Spending breakdown by committee A question mark in circle indicating additional information

For more on how independent expenditures are calculated, see the FAQ.

In support of the measure
Yes on Measure HH, Citizens for Healthy Oakland Children
See all contributions to this committee
In opposition of the measure
No on HH: No Oakland Grocery Tax, with Major Funding by American Beverage Association California PAC
See all contributions to this committee

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