Content last updated Jul. 25, 2024

Measure Y

Just Cause Eviction Amendments


Shall the Measure amending Oakland’s Just Yes Cause for Eviction Ordinance (“Ordinance”) to: (1) remove the exemption for owner occupied duplexes and triplexes; and (2) allow the City Council, without returning to the voters, to add limitations on a landlord’s right to evict under the Ordinance, be adopted? Percentage Needed to Pass: 50% + 1

This text provided by Alameda County Registrar of Voters

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Contributions by region

Contributions to Support

Contributions to Oppose

Supporting regions
Out of State
Within California
Within Oakland
Opposing regions
Out of State
Within California
Within Oakland

Contributions by type

Supporting contributors
Other (includes Businesses)
Opposing contributors
Other (includes Businesses)

Spending breakdown by committee A question mark in circle indicating additional information

For more on how independent expenditures are calculated, see the FAQ.

In support of the measure
Protect Oakland Renters, Yes on Measure Y. Sponsored by CommunityOrganizations
See all contributions to this committee
In opposition of the measure
Committee for Better Choices, No on Measure AA, Y and W
See all contributions to this committee
Homeowners for Fair Treatment, No on Measures W and Y
See all contributions to this committee

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