Measure Q
Oakland Parks and Recreation Preservation, Litter Reduction, and Homelessness Support Act
This measure would provide: homelessness support services and programs to help homeless individuals move into shelters and housing; trash removal from parks and creeks; safe, well-maintained parks and trails; clean, accessible park restrooms; improved water quality; and park facilities repairs, by enacting an annual $148 parcel tax for single-family parcels, and other parcels as specified, for 20 years, raising approximately $21,000,000 annually with exemptions for low-income seniors.
More Information on CA Voter’s EdgeContributions by region
Contributions to Support
Contributions to Oppose
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Opposing regions
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Supporting contributors
Opposing contributors
Spending breakdown by committee
For more on how independent expenditures are calculated, see the FAQ.
In support of the measure
Yes on Q! Oakland Neighbors for our Parks and People
See all contributions to this committee
In opposition of the measure
California Association of Realtors Issues Mobilization PAC
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