Measure U
Affordable Housing Infrastructure Bond
Shall the measure to improve public safety and invest in Oakland by creating affordable housing for Oaklanders, increasing housing for homeless Oaklanders, repaving streets to remove potholes, improving traffic/pedestrian safety, and updating fire stations and other public facilities, by issuing $850,000,000 in general obligation bonds, raising approximately $85,000,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at the rate of $0.071 per $100 ($71 per $100,000) of assessed value, with independent oversight and annual audits be adopted?
Contributions by region
Contributions to Support
Contributions to Oppose
Supporting regions
Opposing regions
Contributions by type
Supporting contributors
Opposing contributors
Spending breakdown by committee
For more on how independent expenditures are calculated, see the FAQ.
In support of the measure
Oakland Neighbors for Affordable Housing and Safe Street, Yes on U, 2022
See all contributions to this committee
In opposition of the measure
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