Content last updated Jul. 25, 2024

Measure T

Progressive and Equitable Oakland Gross Receipts Tax


Shall the measure amending Oakland’s business tax rates to create a progressive rate structure that would (1) impose the highest rates on the highest grossing businesses, (2) increase Oakland’s annual tax revenue by an estimated $20,900,000, and (3) generate approximately $124,000,000 in total annual revenue for municipal services by imposing business tax rates of .05% to .55% of gross receipts, and other rates as stated in the measure, be adopted?

Contributions by region

Contributions to Support

Contributions to Oppose

Supporting regions
Out of State
Within California
Within Oakland
Opposing regions

Contributions by type

Supporting contributors
Other (includes Businesses)
Opposing contributors

Spending breakdown by committee A question mark in circle indicating additional information

For more on how independent expenditures are calculated, see the FAQ.

In support of the measure
Oaklanders Together, a coalition of small and large businesses, business-serving organizations, and the Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce
See all contributions to this committee
Yes on T - Invest In Our Oakland 2022, Sponsored by SEIU Local 1021 and IFPTE Local 21
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Oakland Rising Committee sponsored by Center for Empowered Politics
See all contributions to this committee
No expenditures have been reported by this committee
In opposition of the measure

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